Commercial Roofing Solutions: Brick, Concrete, and Glass Industries
Industrial and commercial building maintenance managers have many things to consider when selecting or sourcing any kind of roofing solution for their facilities. One of the ways to differentiate between possible roofing solutions is to compare facility needs based on industry specifications.
For industries like the brick, concrete and glass manufacturing sectors - special attention must be given to quality control and other important aspects like facility heat load. That's where a roof restoration from Thermal-Tec fits the bill.

A Watertight Roof Helps Maintain Quality Assurance
Anytime you’re responsible for producing high-grade materials for construction use, like bricks, blocks, and other concrete materials, quality matters. It’s your job to ensure project quality is never compromised.
Equally, architects and engineers responsible for building vital infrastructure are only interested in using quality-assured materials. A leaking roof has the potential to add all kinds of contaminants at any point in the manufacturing process. It all depends on where the leak is. Even something “seemingly” small like a water stain on the ceiling has the potential to grow. Eventually, it becomes a flowing leak.

New Roof Vs a Roof Restoration
Running a business means allocating funds to solve the most crucial problems first. It’s easy to consider your roof to be a “low-priority” when there are other pressing issues.
However, an often “overlooked” factor is determining whether the facility needs a “roof replacement” vs “roof restoration.” A roof restoration costs significantly less than replacing an entire roof.
A restoration from Thermal-Tec can take care of problem areas as well as cover the entire roof. Covering the entire roof adds between 80,000 to 100,000 lbs of tensile strength to the entire structure. You save money and enjoy peace of mind not having to worry about your roof failing.